TP-Link TD-W8961ND DSL router can not access admin web page after 24 hours or so

This is a security feature. If the Admin web page has not been accessed for some time the router disables the access completely. Router does still work, ping is OK, WLAN and WWAN connections are working, you just can not access the admin web page.

As I am running a Linux server I decided to make a hourly cron job that simply accesses the router admion web page every hour. So I can access the admin web all time without the need to cycle it’s power 🙁

I added a cron.hourly bash script to access the admin page every hour:

wget -O - -q -t 1 --user=<adminusername> --password=<yourpassword> http://<yourrouterip>

Replace the user name, password entry and ip with the ones of your router and copy that bash shell script to /etc/cron.hourly. Don’t forget to make it executable (chmod a+x ).

Update: although the above is running the web admin page could not be reached after some days. Odd security mechanism 🙁

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