Archive for the ‘CodeProject’ Category.
November 4, 2015, 18:50
Recently we needed to show and hide the SIP (Software Input Panel) inside a full screen Remote Desktop Mobile session.
The first challenge is to control the SIP without having a menu bar with the SIP symbol inside. To get this working you can assign a hardware keyboard button, it must be an App button, to show the SIP. See Settings>Personal>Buttons and assign “<Input Panel>” to the hardware key.

Unfortunately the SIP will be hidden immediately after being shown if RDM is started with Full Screen option.
Continue reading ‘Mobile Development: Subclass foreign Window using injectDLL’ »
July 6, 2015, 12:11
I have added two new build variants to rdesktopce_rdp5 (see also older article).
The normal builds make Windows Mobile ‘think’ the app is HI_RES_AWARE and so QVGA screens (see geometry setting in winrdesktop.ini) are NOT scaled to the larger screens of current devices:
with HI_RES_AWARE and geometry=240×320 on a WXGA screen:

Continue reading ‘rdesktopce builds done with LOW_RES ‘marker’’ »
December 18, 2014, 15:57
This is an update to my btPrint4 android application. The app now supports ‘printing’ of files. You are no longer tied to the provided demo files. ‘Printing’ here means it sends the file as is to the printer. So, watch your step and do not send files that your printer does not understand.

Added a file browser activity: a class named item to hold file informations, a FileChooser class and a FileArrayAdapter. Then the needed layout files are added.
Continue reading ‘Android development: btPrint4 prints demos and files to Bluetooth receipt and label printers’ »
September 17, 2014, 18:55
This is the description of my btPrint demo app to print demo files to portable bluetooth label/receipt printers. I already did the same app for android and now wanted to do the same for windows phone 8.
The app starts with the main screen where you select a bluetooth printer, connect, select a demo file and let it print.

Continue reading ‘Windows Phone 8: print demo for bluetooth label/receipt printers’ »
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