Posts tagged ‘CSharp’

Mobile Development: PingNG-the next generation ping

As I needed a tool to test the maximum MTU size for a network, I needed a ping tool where I can define the packet size and the DF (Do Not Fragment-Flag). As I did not find such a tool, I wrote PingNG.

main main2 options_df

It is a simple tool but the code had to avoid some pitfalls.

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Writing a tftp server windows service

For an actual project I needed a tftp server service for a Windows 2003 server. I looked around in internet and only found tftp servers running in user space, no real windows service. So I searched for source code applications I could use and found tftpUtil at ( Although the short description states it would implement a service, it does not in reality. But the tftpUtil class was more or less easy to use and so I started to write a service ‘wrapper’ around it.

        protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
            AddLog("OnStart entered...");

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