Posts tagged ‘epeg’

Convert / Mogrify slow, try epeg

Recently I had a set of images to resize from 8000×10000 pixels down to 2048 pixels maximum. As previously I started with mogrify (mogrify -sample ‘2048>x2048>’ -monitor *.jpg) but it was terrible slow and slowed down my netbook to be totally unusable. Crap….

I looked for alternatives and found epeg. Download and compiled from After fetching libjpeg-dev and libexif-dev, it compiled without error. Finally needed to do ldconfig.

It was lightning fast and did not slow down my netbook (1GHz, 1GB, atom2 proc.). Unfortunately I had to convert file by file (i.e. epeg -v -w=2048 -h=2048 –max=2048 -p image01.jpg image01_.jpg), but that was done from a script.

If you ever look for fastest resizing give epeg a chance.