Posts tagged ‘Windows Mobile 6’

Mobile Developement – RDP AutoLogin extended (version 4)


on the wish of the one or other user I extended the RDP AutoLogin code and we now reached level 4.

The new code simply has only one extension, it supports the color depth selection. Also the color depth and other settings are visible on the dialog of Remote Desktop Mobile, the settings itself are done via the Default.rdp file. But you are right, RDP_AutoLogin also controls some of the dialog items directly.

[codesyntax lang=”text”]



The color depth setting supports two modes, 8 Bit with 256b colors (ColorDepthID:i:1) and 16 Bit with ~65000 colors (ColorDepthID:i:3).

[codesyntax lang=”reg”]


"Save Password"="1"
"UseMouseClick"="0"	//added with version 3 to switch between mouse and keyboard simulation
"ColorDepth"=1		//added with version 4 to enable switching between 8 and 16 Bit colors


The code changes are small. Some code addition to read the value from the registry and some to write the rdp file:

[codesyntax lang=”cpp”]

void readReg(){
        //ColorDepth new with version 4
        if(RegReadDword(L"ColorDepth", &dwTemp) == 0)
void writeRDP(){
			else if(wcsstr(rdpLines[c].line, L"ColorDepthID")!=NULL){
				wsprintf(szTemp, rdpLines[c].line, dwColorDepth);  //3=HighColor(16Bit) or 1=(8Bit) color


Additionally I have added a new project to the solution to enable to set all the settings not only via the registry but using a GUI application. RDP_Autologin_Settings is born:

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Internet Explorer Mobile handles key events

WOW, IEM (tested from AKU 6.1.5) handles key events.

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AJAX and Windows Mobile 6

Some time ago MS announced an extended Mobile Internet Explorer (sorry, it has to be called Internet Explorer Mobile now, nor Pocket Internet Explorer. Thanks to all these new terms for the same thing to MS. PIE, MIE, IEM is all the same) with the release of Windows Mobile 6.1.4: Internet Explorer Mobile.

I did a short test and will still recommend Access Netfront for professional use. IEM runs slow and I can not see the ((un-)documented) enhancements for web programmers.
