Posts tagged ‘function keys’

KeyToggleStart: Yet another usage for keyboard hook

Hello Windows Mobile Users

recently the following was requested:

How can I start an application by just hitting some keys in sequence?

The answer: Just use a keyboard hook.

So I started to code this hook tool based on my KeyToggleBoot2 code. There was not too much to change. The new tool is called KeyToggleStart and it is configured by the registry:


                  72 73 00
            ;max 10 keys!

Reg keys meaning:

Forbiddenkeys is just an addon feature: key codes entered in this list will not be processed any more by your Windows Mobile device. For example, to disable the use of the F3(VK_TTALK) and F4 (VK_TEND) keys you have to enter a binary list of 0x72,0x73,0x00 (the zero is needed to terminate the list).

KeySeq list the char sequence you want to use to start an application. For example if this is the string “123”, everytime you enter 123 in sequence within the given time, the application defined will be started.

TimeOut is the time in seconds you have to enter the sequence. So do not use a long key sequence as “starteiexplorenow” and a short timeout (except you are a very fast type writer). The timeout is started with the first char matching and ends after the time or when you enter a non-matching char of the sequence.

With LEDid you can specify a LED index number. LED’s on Windows Mobile are controlled by an index number, each LED has one or more ID assigned to it. So, with LEDid you can control, which LED will lit, when the matching process is running. You can even find an ID to control a vibration motor, if your Windows Mobile device is equipped with one.

The Exe registry string value is used to specify which application will be started when the key sequence is matched.

If the application you want have to be started needs some arguments, you can enter these using the Arg registry value.

When you start the KeyToggleStart tool, you will not see any window except for a notification symbol on your Start/Home screen of the device.

If you tap this icon (redirection sign) you have the chance to end the hook tool.

Continue reading ‘KeyToggleStart: Yet another usage for keyboard hook’ »

Mobile Development: Hooking the keyboard – KeyToggle


Extend your keyboard to get function keys by pressing numbers.

With keytoggle you can define a ‘sticky’ key that will change the beahviour of the number keys. As long as the sticky key is ‘active’, number keys from 1 to 0 will produce the function keys F1 to F10. If sticky key is active, the left LED will light in green.

To start keytoggle just tap it or let it start by a link in StartUp. If keytoggle is loaded, you can see a small yellow arrow sign in the taskbar.

If you tap this symbol, you are asked, if you want to unload the app. If the registry does not have values defined for keytoggle, it will use default values. If you try to launch keytoggle a second time you will get a message box. Only one instance of keytoggle can run at a time.

Using the registry you can define the behaviour of the sticky key. In example, you can have the sticky key remain active until it is pressed again, let it ‘go off’ or ‘fallback’ after a period of time or let it fallback after a number key has been pressed. If the sticky key is pressed again, it will always fallback.

Continue reading ‘Mobile Development: Hooking the keyboard – KeyToggle’ »

Use FuncKey to free up your FunctionKeys on Windows Mobile


Updated on 10. feb 2010

I finished a toolset to free the function keys on windows mobile devices. That means a tool set that will give you back the function keys. Instead of F3 launching the phone app, you can free the F3 key and use it in your app.

Continue reading ‘Use FuncKey to free up your FunctionKeys on Windows Mobile’ »

Toggle keyboard using keyboard hook

This is transfered from my static page:


Using function keys by pressing numbers. Written for ITC 700 color running windows mobile 2003.

Note: Updated KeyToggle.exe and download cab:
[Download not found]

There was a bug, so the sticky key still produced wm_keydown messages. Fixed version is v2.1.1.0.

With keytoggle you can define a ‘sticky’ key that will change the behaviour of the number keys. As long as the sticky key is ‘active’, number keys from 1 to 0 will produce the function keys F1 to F10. If sticky key is active, the left LED will light in green.

Continue reading ‘Toggle keyboard using keyboard hook’ »