March 28, 2010, 11:10
Do you miss the possibility to configure the CN50 from the device? Do you miss Intermec Settings? Here is a workaround: ICCU for CN50
Update: for devices with firmware 1.51 you will need another ICCU.EXE too: [Download not found]
Unzip the file and copy it to windows dir on device.
The download only installs a lnk file to enable you to launch Intermec Settings on the device. Then you can change DataCollection, Communications and other settings directly on the device without the need for configuration barcodes or the heavy load SmartSystems server.
In contrast to the ‘real’ Intermec Settings, ICCU link is installed and launched from Programs (see icon below):
Continue reading ‘ITC: Reveal Intermec Settings for CN50’ »
March 28, 2010, 11:04
as a developer I always need to know the current IP address of a device. Normally it takes 5 or more taps to get the current IP of an device, so I wrote this today screen plugin.
iInfo today will show the current main IP, the model code (except for the always other CN50) and the serial number (except for CN50 🙁 )of the ITC device. Additionally the tool comes with IP config like tool, that shows some more info about current network connection (WINS, DNS etc). And tapping the tool symbol on the right you will beam directly to the connection settings applet.
Continue reading ‘ITC: today plugin showing current main IP address and model and serial code’ »
July 14, 2009, 09:34
Although ITC offers a nice keyboard remapper (part of the device resource kit) there is no tool to remap the ‘direct’ keys. Direct keys are for example the blue side buttons on a CN3(e), the PTT key on a CK3 or the front keys of a CV30. To remap those keys you need to change the registry. As fiddling with the registry is not always easy, I did this small tool: DirectKeyUI
New (14. july 2009):
- Added ArmV4 version as needed to use the tool on 700 color devices
Although the tool is mainly targetting ITC WM5 devices it is also usefull to map keys on ITC WM2003 devices as the 700 color series. The remapper for the WM2003 devices does not offer all possibly mappings and so DirectKeyUI may be usefull for you.
- Added source code as of 29. june 2009
- Fixed some bugs in v1.2
Continue reading ‘DirectKeyUI, a tool to manage direct keys on ITC devices’ »
June 26, 2009, 15:59
as this is asked from time to tim, here is a sample and a class in C# (VS2005) that enables you to switch the green and orange keyboard shift plane of the keyboards on ITC CN3, CN3e and possibly other ruggedized ITC handheld devices.
You can control the keyboard shift state and you can subscribe to an event to get information about changes in the keyboard shift panel state. With the latter, you can create an application that is always aware of the active keyboard shift plane.
Continue reading ‘Control the green and orange keyboard shift planes on ITC device’ »